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About me

How i got here


Welcome to my page. I'm happy you're here.


My name is Danielle and I am 38 years old. Since 2016, my life has changed drastically. Like a house of cards, my life began to collapse in all areas. This was accompanied by the loss of my old self, old life, loved ones and my health. I've been battling chronic illness for years and I've experienced a lot of homeboundedness and isolation.


Nothing is the same and for a long time I had no idea who I am (now) or where I am going. Although this is starting to change, it is still a theme for me. Throughout my life, my sense of self has been based on others' reflections of me. On the inside, no one really was home. I seemed to have a fairly "successful" life with work as a doctor, a romantic relationship, good friends, dear family and a lot of travelling. There certainly was a lot of beauty. Yet, I felt empty inside, I carried a heaviness and I went through life dissociated. It is because I tried to be 'normal' with all my might, that I was depleting myself in all areas. In the end, I paid a big price for it.

Now I can see that it has been a curse and a blessing at the same time.


This whole process has forced me to learn to connect with my body and feel what wants to be felt. This hasn't been easy and often it still isn't. Because once upon a time, there was of course reason to leave my body. Once, there was too much unsafety, were feelings too overwhelming, were things moving too fast or was there too little support. The way back into my body is therefore slow, in small steps and with a lot of softness. It's the softness that I keep coming back to and which keeps bringing me back to myself. Helping me to land more and more in my body. And helping me to increasingly be present to and feel safe in the reality of life, while i'm also learning to take care of my needs and boundaries.


It was a long and hard journey: a real dark night of the (body and) soul. The darkest part of that night is now over ánd I still have a long way to go. I still live with the limitations that come with chronic illness. However, I have also made great strides in my recovery. By laying a new foundation, I am now able to slowly rebuild my life. In small steps and as far as is possible. 


Through this page and blog I want to share with you what I encounter and learn in my process of landing in my body and the world. It's definitely a way of expressing myself. I also know that I am not alone in my experiences and I hope to be able to create connection, recognition, support and inspiration with my openness.  â€‹

Complex trauma and its somatic trauma-informed healing is a big player in my life. My approach to life is a holistic one: rooted in the wisdom and sensitivity of the body, with awareness of the systems we live in and with a touch of spirituality (we are more than just our bodies). The topics I'll share about will vary, but will always be connected to our humanity, landing in our body, coming home to ourselves and the world, and, ofcoures, to softening. 

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